Tuesday 25 March 2014

Feeling Blessed

Today is the big day! Okay, not so big but for nerds like me, it kind of is haha! First let me thank God for walking with me in my first journey in NYP. I was so lost and didn’t know what to do whenever I faced a problem. However, you were always there even though I was already in the midst of giving up. My mom kept on reminding me that it was nothing. I can overcome whatever problem(s) that may arise, and I really did. Just believe. You were with me through my dearest mother. I thank both of you so much. Much kisses mwa mwa! Gonna end this post with my self-made quote and motto :3
You are your own opponent. The only person you have to beat is yourself because you are your greatest enemy. Mind your own race and finish it, not the other racers’.

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