Saturday 27 July 2013

The two Ps and 1 F of Life; Past Present and Future

If one day time travelling was made possible, would you go back in time or into the future to see how things are? To change some things? Would you?
I probably would. There are a lot of things I want to change in my life.
But wait. Actually, I'd rather have a 'Life choice simulator' than a  time travelling machine.
I just came up with this not long ago. Wow, Angel you're really a random genius! Eureka! haha!
Anyways, imagine having this simulator invented. You could see the result of the choice you want to choose without you making it in real life yet. Just imagine the wonders of it.
Ignore whatever I said up there. I probably had too much chitchat with dad and bro about History and Science. Such a nerd haha
Like what bro said, a lot of things have to be taken into consideration with this kind of machine. It could go against many people's religion, moral and such.
Alright, moi gotta go back to reality

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